One of the things that has hugely contributed to simplify my life is learning to say "no". One thing are life responsibilities and necessities, but what about all the rest?

I want to feel joyful, lighthearted, free and inspired, and so several years ago I consciously and deliberately decided to stop saying yes to what didn't inspire me, made me feel great, and I really wanted to do.

If I really want to do something, then fantastic! But other than that, I have learned to say no to invitations, to friends, to relatives, boring phone calls, business opportunities, social media, and to basically anything that could take away from me precious time and space for my own self-care and soul nourishment. Those are the things that more than anything else make me feel great and full of energy and inspiration- and give me deep JOY-so I started saying yes to those, and no to all the rest. 

Instead of filling my days with unnecessary and uninspiring activities, I prefer to spend my time doing well the work that I adore doing, taking care of myself, resting, napping, going out in Nature, walking, exploring, creating, writing, reading, meditating, journaling, dreaming, cooking, tending to my home with love, spending time with people I adore to spend time with.

If you feel like you don't have the time for what you really want to do, and you often feel obligated, start saying no to parties, meetings, invitations to go out with somebody you don't feel excited to spend time with. Say no to everything that is uninspiring, and to all unnecessary activities. Declutter your days and your to-do list. 

This is something that will greatly enhance the quality of your life.

Try your hand.

Monica xoxo