⎨New beginnings...⎬
It has been such a long time since I last posted on this blog... And now, out of the blue and all of a sudden, I felt a sweet desire to come back. It took me literally two seconds to decide to once again follow my heart and say "YES!" to the Universe, yes to my Soul.
And here I am. I have absolutely no idea what to write about, since I still have my other blog on my website, but as usual, I'll go with the flow.
I took this picture last month while I was doing a little picnic and photoshoot in the garden with my planner and journal, enjoying the Summer light and my handmade quilt. Looking at this picture now, it seems to me that it's from a lifetime ago.
In fact, I've been extraordinarily active this past Winter, Spring and Summer- acting upon a powerful and steady inspiration. I have been doing a lot of work as of late- inner work, outer work. Work for my wellbeing, work for my creative business, work for my home, work for my happiness. Work that my future self will be very grateful for. I've been decluttering my mind, my heart, my studio, my wardrobe, my home, my days. I will certainly tell you in other posts about all these things.
I've also decluttered this blog, as you can see! This new blog theme- so clean, so uncluttered- came to me synchronically, and of course, being deeply aware that it had everything to do with the deep desires in my heart for more ease and more simplicity, and all the momentum I have created in my life as of late, I instantly said "YES!" to it as well. And now my blog feels like a fresh, new journal, full of exciting possibilities.
As for now, I'm just enjoying this satisfying and happy feeling of a new beginning... and I will be with you again very soon.
Until next time,
Monica xoxo
Welcome back…and thanks for your sweet nice words n my blog today 🍀🙏🍀💗🍀🐾🍀