⎨A journaling date in Nature⎬
It was a beautiful sunny day in the Cotswolds, and I had to go for some errands to a village about 15 miles away from my home. So I decided to take my time and also bring along with me my journals, and pair my errands with a journaling date.

I parked my car, wore my Wellies, placed all my journaling supplies into my black spotty trolley (because I also had other heavy things with me like laptop, big camera, blanket and so on) and ventured into the forest. 

It was so wild and beautiful that it took my breath away!

I walked slowly, savoring every step.

At a certain moment I spotted lots of interesting elements on the ground under a tree, they looked like aerial roots. I decided to stop and play with them, to make a wreath!! :)

I could use it for a DIY Autumn wreath to decorate my garden...

I didn't have any specific tool and supply for wreath making with me, like wire, pliers, or twine, but I was able to create a very sturdy wreath simply by twisting and turning the roots.

I was glad I had my trolley, so I could carry it effortlessly to the car.

I walked and walked in the forest, full of awe and joy...

... before I could find an open spot where to place myself to journal for a while.

The blanket was made by my Grandmother, with remnants of fabrics and a crocheted border.

I spent quite some time journaling, writing my heart out and reflecting upon my life. Then I packed everything and I drove back home.

It's incredible how something this simple- like a journaling date in Nature, taking my time, living slowly following my heart's desires instead of rushing all the time- could nourish me at such a deep level...

It was an amazing and fun day, and I reminded myself that it's easy to find time to journal when I pair it with other activities that I already do.

Hope this gives you some food for thought, today! :)

See you soon,

Monica xoxo