⎨ Apple and chocolate muffins⎬

Now that apple time is here, you may like to bake these wonderful, moist muffins with a great texture and delicious taste! 

I have mixed several different recipes to come up with this one, that so far is my favorite for apple muffins.

Here's the recipe for 8-9 small muffins. 

- 225 g (8 oz) plain flour
- 1 bag baking powder or 3 teaspoons
- a pinch of salt
- 60 g (2 oz) margarine or butter
- 225 g (8 oz) milk
- 2 apples (peeled and chopped)
- 100 g (4 oz) granulated sugar
- a bar of dark (or milk, if you prefer) chocolate

 Oven: 190°C/ 25 minutes

1. Preheat the oven.
2. Put 8 paper muffin cups in a muffin tin or on a baking tray.
3. In a bowl, mix together the flour, salt, sugar, baking powder. Add melted butter + milk. Stir well with a wooden spoon (don't use a mixer), then add the chopped apples and chopped chocolate.
4. Pour into the muffin cups.
5. Bake for about 25 minutes (it depends on your oven, keep an eye on them after 20 minutes!).

You can naturally adjust sugar to your taste and needs, and even use sugar substitutes.


Monica xoxo