⎨Dates With Myself: a day at Snowshill Manor⎬
Any Date With Myself is special, but the place where I was going, and on an Autumn day no less, was even more special and exciting.

I intentionally go on Dates With Myself to carve out space in my life to do some deep inner work. This practice, that I speak about in detail in my online class, "Dates With Yourself, Be Fearless and Follow Your Bliss", has allowed me, among other things, to become very confident in myself, and become my own best friend and number one cheerleader. It's a cornerstone of my life, that I keep practicing for the amount of incredible blessings that it helps me to bring into my life... just by being intentional and following my bliss!

I drove up and down the hills, across orange and yellow tinted woods and bare lavender fields, my heart filled with anticipation.

The crowds of tourists were gone, so I had the gardens almost all for myself.

It was so so gorgeous to be able to play freely with my camera, and also find some stillness and quiet, that is so important for this practice of Dates With Myself.

I sat down on a bench in a secluded spot of the gardens, with my journal and sketchbook... and I stayed there in the company of my thoughts and feelings.

One of the things I'm always excited about when I arrive at Snowshill Manor, is visiting the second-hand bookshop inside the gardens. So many forgotten treasures can be found on the shelves of this teeny tiny shop... 

This time, though, it was closed.

And I also always love this quote carved in stone, hanging on the walls of the ancient dove cote...

The gardens, all dressed up for Autumn, were inviting me to play. I was wearing my boots, so I could easily venture into the damp grass.

Playing like a child, and taking some self-portraits for my blog, without caring at all if somebody was watching me... how exciting is that?! 

The sense of freedom by being myself fearlessly and doing my own thing is so blissful... healing... and empowering.

And then, it was time to go. 

I waved goodbye to the trees and gardens and doves and flowers. I marveled one more time at the Beauty of this Earth, and this corner of the world that I love with all my heart.

I will be back again.

Monica xoxo