⎨Self care deck cards for journaling: "Reflection"⎬
Hello dear friends and readers! I hope you're enjoying the changing of the season, with lower and more comfortable temperatures and beautiful lights and colors...

As we transition into the Fall season and then the colder and darker months of the year, it is time to dive deeper into ourselves, and start taking care of ourselves even more than usual.

I have always found that daily journaling is a great help in keeping me balanced, serene, peaceful and happy.

The cards, that you can print easily from home (or at your local print shop) offer you one prompt to focus on.

Pull a card each day, and write your heart out...

Repeating the same prompts over time can be really effective in diving deeper into yourself, gaining more awareness and precious insights for your life.

The cards are illustrated with my original photography from my life in the Cotswolds, England... I always feel so inspired when I look at them!

If you can carve out some time to go for a walk in Nature with your journal, you will find out this practice increases your wellbeing tremendously.

If you struggle to find the time, then sit down quietly with your notebook, and make a list of your priorities for the month. 

The things that make you feel good and happy should always be your top priorities!!! 
... Just sayin' :)

Hope they'll inspire you!

See you soon,

Monica xoxo